Our beliefs are what make Berean Baptist Academy what it is and shape those who attend the academy. Berean Baptist Academy ultimately desires to produce Christian adults who embody certain characteristics. We use the acronym G.R.A.D.S. to articulate these characteristics. We believe that all Christians should be growing disciples, responsible citizens, academically excellent, be able to discern truth, and possess a willingness to serve others.
As a ministry of Berean Baptist Church, Berean Baptist Academy exists to establish a culture that guides students of Berean Baptist Church families, the local community, and global partners through an education that Encourages Citizenship in Christ’s Kingdom by Exalting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and Equipping Citizens to Live Holy, Expects a Commitment to Excellence in Scholarship, and Epitomizes Steward-Leadership for the glory of God and the advancement of the Kingdom of Christ.
Berean Baptist Academy holds the vision that our students, as adults, will recognize that they are called by God to their chosen career fields and will be committed to proclaiming Christ while living a life that embodies our core values.
Berean Baptist Academy’s core values are God-like love, absolute truth, moral excellence, and unity of the Spirit. Each value helps Christians to respect people as image bearers of God and to seek their reconciliation with God.
Absolute Truth is the basis of honesty and integrity. Absolute Truth is derived from the Greek word Aletheia. It applies to our speech and our actions. It compels us to take ownership of our mistakes, and it drives us in our studies. Christ embodied truth and told Pilate before His death that he came to bear witness to the truth and all those who are His hear the truth. This fact is why we listen to the voice of truth in every area of our studies.
God-Like Love is an unconditional love that never waivers. The Greek word Agape, which we translate as love, means a love that transcends. When we love one another, we can practice patience. When we love one another, we can forgive wrongs. When we love one another, we can look beyond ethnic, economic, regional, or national differences. When we love one another, all men will know that we are Jesus’ disciples. This type of love is one of the reasons BBA hosts one of the most diverse student bodies with students from all over the United States, Asia, Africa, and Europe.
Moral Excellence is sometimes translated from the Greek word Arete as virtue. Virtue is doing what is right no matter the situation. For us, moral excellence builds on the concepts of truth and love. When we know the truth, and when we love God and people, we will do what is right. We will seek to assist other people. We will perform all of our tasks to completion and the best of our abilities. We are not willing to take shortcuts and underperform. This character trait is one of the reasons that BBA students and alumni hold a good reputation as hardworking, dependable citizens in our community.
Unity of the Spirit comes from a Greek word Henotes, which means “as one.” We have a Preschool. We have an Elementary School. We have a Middle School and a High School. We are not four schools. We are one; We Are Berean Baptist Academy. Our students go to many churches, but we are one academy. We come from many families, but we are one academy. It is the unity provided by the Holy Spirit that allows us to be many members in one body. It is why we can say, “Whether, at home, church, or school, we are called by Christ. We are committed to proclaiming Him, because no matter where we are, we are Christian.”
Ultimately, Berean Baptist Academy operates on the Kingdom Education principles that recognize that it is the parent’s responsibility to educate their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. However, BBA leadership does not take lightly the delegated role granted to the academy and seeks to provide Christ-centered, holistic educational practices predicated on Luke 2:52.
Berean Baptist Academy admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. As a private school, BBA considers academic performance in its admission and retention decisions; however, BBA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic or other school administered programs.
BBA will, as a religious organization, exercise its prerogative to neither commence nor continue employment, admission, enrollment, or other category of BBA representation or participation if it is believed by BBA that so doing will cause confusion about, conflict with, or compromise BBA’s mission to disciple students by providing a distinctly Christian education from a Christ centered worldview. This policy will be applied to all BBA affairs, including all contracts, programs, activities, facilities, publications, and events.
As a ministry of Berean Baptist Church, Berean Baptist Academy adheres and teaches the doctrinal beliefs of BBC.
Berean Baptist Academy is committed to utilizing principles found in God’s Word. As the Lord is the giver of all that is good, to include our intelligence, talents, and physical abilities, it is only right that all education be centered in such a way that all stakeholders are pointed to Jesus Christ as Lord. It is everyone’s responsibility to bring Him honor and glory daily through our diligent efforts to reach our full potential in as much as we have been gifted by Him with our special talents and abilities. Therefore, we will make every effort to meet the following principles for education:
BBA believes that Christian education is the primary responsibility of parents. Parents and schools must align in beliefs (Psalm 127:3).
BBA believes that Christian education is a twenty-four hour – seven days a week process that continues through maturity (Deuteronomy 6:7).
BBA believes that the primary goals of Christian education should be the salvation and discipleship of the next generation. When a child is trained, they will be like their teachers. All students are being formed either by us or the world. We must teach them to observe all that God has commanded (Luke 6:40 & Matthew 28:18-20).
BBA believes that Christian education is based on God’s word as the absolute truth. Biblical integration must exist in every single class. Chapel and Bible class are not enough to accomplish this principle (2 Timothy 3:16-17 & John 17:17).
BBA believes that Christian education must hold Jesus Christ preeminent in the entire educational process. This principle does not apply to education only, but to all of life. Therefore it applies to athletics, arts, service projects, and everyday life. (Colossians 1:15-20, Colossians 2:3-10, & 1 Corinthians 10:31).
BBA believes that Christian education must not hinder the moral and spiritual development of children (Matthew 18:6). Therefore, there must be a balance between protection and preparation. Children must be protected from harm and things that would draw them away from developing their walk with Christ while they are guided down the pathway to wisdom. However, the goal cannot be to shelter them, but rather, to prepare them.
BBA believes that when Christian education is delegated to others, all teachers must follow these same principles. Parents should seek out a school filled with teachers who fear God, are people of truth, and hate covetousness (Exodus 18:13-23).
BBA believes that a worldview is defined by the patterns of the teachers. A worldview presents a big picture of one’s beliefs about God, man, creation, the acquiring of knowledge, moral order, purpose or meaning of life, and the future. A commonly held worldview results in group actions that create a culture. When the Bible shapes this culture, then it is a Biblical Worldview (Philippians 4:9).
BBA believes that Christian education is the presentation of knowledge connected to a Biblical Worldview (Proverbs 9:10).
BBA believes that Christian education must focus on increasing the knowledge of God in the student. A false image of God obscures God’s glory and will prevent His blessings. A false image of God produces false actions. Man is made in the image of God, and all of creation points to God. The death of Christ made it possible for us to know God. Jonathan Edwards said, “He who does not know God, knows nothing else as it truly exists.” (Hosea 4:1-6; 2 Timothy 3:7, Isaiah 5:13, Exodus 20:3-4, Colossians 1:9-10, Ephesians 1:5-7, Genesis 1:26, Romans 1:20, John 17:3)
BBA believes that Christian education must promote work that develops ethics that enable students to discover and fulfill God’s will for their lives (Genesis 2, Colossians 1:9-10, Romans 12:1-3). Christian work ethics should result in a kingdom culture that promotes people glorifying God.
BBA believes that Christian education must be characterized by the pursuit of excellence based on godly character which results in a life that brings God glory (1 Corinthians 10:31).
BBA believes that Christian education must have a view of eternity (Matthew 6:19-21, Hebrews 11:13, 2 Timothy 4:6-8, & Acts 20:24).
The Bible teaches that Jesus increased in wisdom, stature, and in favor with both God and man (Luke 2:52). Our Lord has provided us with His salvation to accept and His example to follow; therefore, BBA seeks to develop the total person in the following areas:
To lead the student to accept God’s gift of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ alone as Savior
To develop attitudes and values consistent with the teaching of the Scriptures
To instill a personal responsibility to God for individual behavior (Romans 12:1-2; Colossians 3:1)
To teach all subjects in light of the Scripture, since God’s Word is the source of absolute truth (John 17:17)
To promote an instructional program to meet individual needs more adequately
To provide academic excellence (2 Timothy 2:15)
To stress the development and care of the body, since God created man a tri-partite being (body, soul, and spirit) whose body (for the Christian) is the residence of God the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19)
To encourage wholesome forms of recreation and exercise (1 Timothy 4:8)
To emphasize personal cleanliness and good grooming
To expect dress consistent with biblical standards (Romans 12:1, 2)
To stress appropriate friendships and relationships among boys and girls and between genders (2 Timothy 2:22)
To teach patriotism (Romans 13:1-4)
Berean Baptist Academy is an educational institution dedicated to Christ-centered education in all aspects of life. BBA operates under the philosophy that the church, school, and home form a threefold partnership that produces kingdom-minded disciples.
The Bible teaches in the book of Deuteronomy that a child’s education is primarily the parent’s responsibility.
“Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.”
This command to parents was reinforced in the New Testament when Paul wrote, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.”
Christ died for the church, and through the Holy Spirit’s gifting He has calls men to lead the church as pastors, and men and women to teach within the church. These positions exist to edify and equip believers and to assist parents in their responsibility to bring children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
BBA is an extension of the Christian home and church, not a replacement for them. It is important that children mature in a Christian home. It is equally important that the family faithfully attend a Bible-believing church. As such, Berean Baptist Academy operates in conjunction with the home and church. Therefore, we require regular church attendance for the student and the family, which will better prepare the student to excel in our academic setting.
We believe that all students can learn, and each student learns differently. We further believe that all students have various gifts and abilities. We believe that all that is taught should point students to God, the giver of all knowledge. We feel that this is most effective when the values of the school, home, and church are closely aligned. Finally, BBA believes that learning styles and developmental stages determine the ability of learners to move through the phases of learning.
Therefore, we do our best to:
- Develop Biblically integrated curriculum
- Consider the impact and time assigned work has on the family outside the school day
- Learn our students and vary our teaching methods, so all learners are impacted by the lesson
- Prepare lessons and activities designed to scaffold learners to the higher order skills found in Bloom’s taxonomy
- Demonstrate what success looks like by providing samples of successful assignments, and clear rubrics
- Provide correctable practice before graded assessments
- Administer summative assessments
BBA has established the following student outcomes to measure our ability to produce G.R.A.D.S.:
As Growing Disciples our students will:
- Believe in the person and work of Jesus Christ
- Integrate biblical principles and values into life
- Exhibit Christ-like virtues and ethics
- Know the Bible narrative, concepts, and major doctrines
- Recognize that they are an image bearer of God
- Actively participate in their local church by being a member and serving in a ministry
As Responsible Citizens our students will:
- Utilize and care for all resources responsibly as a gift from God
- Respect diversity while rejecting sin and false doctrines
- Work well with people and work hard to accomplish goals
- Work with little or no supervision
- Practice financial stewardship
- Seek to promote Christ’s kingdom
As students who achieve Academic Excellence, our students will:
- Analyze and synthesize concepts within various contexts
- Possess a broad base of knowledge
- Pursue ongoing learning to prepare for the next stage, to include a career
- Exhibit the ability to integrate content from multiple subjects
- Exhibit the ability to think creatively and critically
- Utilize technology responsibly and effectively
Students who possess the ability to Discern Truth will:
- Make ethical decisions from a biblical worldview
- Think logically and ascertain the truth
- Possess the ability to develop, articulate, and defend a biblical worldview
- Make decisions in dress and deportment that presents the student as modest and appropriate to the setting
- Participate in social media in a manner that promotes godliness and sensitivity to others
- Choose entertainments that do not detract from the reputation of Christianity
A student who is characterized as a Servant Leader will:
- Use their gifts and talents to serve others -Cultivate their talents and use them in ministry
- Steward their time and resources in order to assist others
- Model a Christ-like lifestyle with their peers
- Humbly serve their parents and siblings at home
- Actively care for members of the greater community through prayer and acts of service